Amiga Adf

  1. Amiga Adf Collection
  2. Amiga Adf Free
  3. Amiga Adf To Disk
  4. Amiga Adf Pack
  5. Amiga Adf Demos

The following support materials and services for Classic Amiga systems are available:

DirDiff is included in Amiga Forever. You can create ADF disk image files of your Amiga floppy disks on the Amiga itself, by using the Transdisk tool, which is included with Amiga Forever. The command line syntax is: transdisk RAM:001.adf -h. Where 'RAM:001.adf' is a. WWF WrestleMania is an Amiga wrestling sports game released in 1991 by Ocean. Check out screenshots, downloads, cheats and more info! Classic Workbench. Download an Amiga Workbench OS. Preinstalled packs setup for real. A500+ A600 A1200 A1500+ A2000+ A3000 A4000 and UAE. Discovery (19xx)(Amiga Fun)cr DC 659 Ko Disposable Hero (1993)(Gremlin)(Disk 1 of 3) 437 Ko Disposable Hero (1993)(Gremlin)(Disk 1 of 3)cr CLS 658 Ko Disposable Hero (1993)(Gremlin)cr CLSt +17 ATX(Disk 1 of 3) 667 Ko Disposable Hero (1993)(Gremlin)cr CLSt +17 ATX(Disk 2 of 3) 740 Ko. Solitaire (1992)(Amiga Bytes)h PRX - PRD 177 Ko Solitaire Royal (1988)(Software Resources International) 184 Ko Solitaire Royal (1988)(Software Resources International)a2 250 Ko Solitaire Royal (1988)(Software Resources International)a 183 Ko Solitaire Sampler (1993)(Tower Software) 327 Ko.

Amiga Adf Collection

  • Physical media, including floppy disks, CompactFlash cards, and ROMs, are available via reseller partners
  • A complete set of downloadable disk images (described below) is available for purchase

The downloadable Floppy & Hard Disk Image Pack contains 16 floppy disk images (ADF files) and 2 hard disk images (HDF files), which make it possible to boot and set up any Classic Amiga model (including the Amiga 1000, 3000 and 4000T).

Included ADF files (follow the links for a more detailed description and list of recent improvements):

  • Workbench 3.1 Floppy Disk Set (6 images, requires 3.0 or higher ROM)
  • Workbench 2.1 Floppy Disk Set (5 images, requires 2.04 or higher ROM)
  • Workbench 1.3 Floppy Disk Set (2 images, requires 1.2 or higher ROM)
  • Kickstart 1.3 Floppy Disk (required to boot Amiga 1000 systems)
  • Superkickstart 1.3+2.04 Floppy Disk (required to boot early Amiga 3000 systems)
  • Relokick 1.4a Floppy Disk (to downgrade newer systems to 1.3 in order to run some older software)

An additional copy of the above files, renamed to '8.3' (short) file names, is included in the Disk Image Pack, for use with devices like some floppy drive emulators that do not support 'long' file names.

Included HDF files:

The hard disk images are the result of installing from the corresponding floppy disk set, and are ready for imaging to CF cards or similar devices.

Important: the downloadable Floppy & Hard Disk Image Pack does not contain physical media. An Amiga computer or dedicated PC hardware are required to write the images to Amiga floppy disks or other media. The floppy disk image files are also suitable for use in floppy drive emulators (Cortex, DTX200, EMUFFD, Gotek, HxC, Mark II, etc.), which can be used to replace an Amiga floppy disk drive.


Amigan Software
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Best of Megadisc #1-#8 [406K ZIPped ADF]

Megadisc Cards:

Amiga Adf Free


The card for issue #45 is missing.The various specialized Megadisc series (eg. Megadisc Games disks)are also sought.If you have any of these, please emailus.

ACAR hints disk #1556KZIPped ADFreadme
ACAR Hot PD #17 disk 2 of 2423KRAR'd ADFcontents
ACAR Super Workbench399KRAR'd ADF-
Action aka MooVid 1.6 (registered)338KLhA-
Amiga-Live! #1 disk 2 of 2435KRAR'd ADFcontents
AmigaWriter 2.206,272KRAR-
Australian AMOS Newsletter type-ins47KLhA'd AMOSesnotes
AutodocViewer 1.41 (preconfigured for OS3.9 NDK)36KLhA-
AWeb 3.5.09 for 68000+7,841KLhA-
AWeb 3.5.09 for 68020+7,811KLhA-
AWeb 3.5.09 for 68020+FPU7,803KLhA-
AWeb 3.5.09 source code5,293KLhA-
bitmap.image 45.1 decompilation11KLhA'd C-
Citadel of Vras (HD-installed)224KLhA-
Cracker's Hackpack1,293KZIPcontents
Display Hacks Pack1,134KZIPped LhAscontents
Dungeon Master playable demo502KRAR'd ADF-
Extreme Violence 7.23 (registered)247KZIP-
GIF-Toolkit 1.5.3 (registered)108KLZX-
GridStart 2445KZIPped ADF-
GridStart 3319KZIPped ADF-
Interlink catalogue ('AmigaLINK') #4 (99% OK)666KZIPped ADF-
Kingdom of Id22KLhA-
MAME 0.35.12 with games6,025KRARcontents
Megadisc Catalogue disk 1 of 2745KRAR'd ADF-
Megadisc ED14: 17-Bit Educational285KRAR'd ADF-
Megadisc UT369: D. Jacobs Utilities202KRAR'd ADF-
OS3.1 source code (torrent link)41KTorrent-
People Squasher136KZIP-
Prime Artifax AGA Demos511KRAR'd ADFcontents
Prime Artifax AGA Images disk 3 of 6811KRAR'd ADFcontents
Prime Artifax DOS Utilities #3 disk 2480KRAR'd ADFcontents
Prime Artifax PD #2502KRAR'd ADFcontents
Schoolyard Slaughter69KZIP-
SnoopLibs 0.9 (preconfigured for OS3.9)56KLhA-
Virii Pack47KZIP-

IBM-PC Software

AD&D series editorsMS-DOS1,035KZIP-
Bard's Tale series editorsMS-DOS120KZIP-
Best of the Windows Entertainment PacksWindows1,262KZIP-
CRobots 1.1 with source codeMS-DOS167KZIP-
Dragonriders of PernMS-DOS146KZIP-
Final Writer 1.01 for Windows 95Windows3,107KZIP-
Forgotten Realms: Unlimited AdventuresMS-DOS2,663KZIP-
GW-BASIC Pack (19/9/13)MS-DOS85KZIPped BASescontents
IBM-PC Games PackMS-DOS888KZIPcontents
ID Games editorsMS-DOS39KZIP-
Keen Dreams (registered)MS-DOS292KZIP-
Magic Mushroom songMS-DOS183KZIP-
Microsoft Word 3.0 demoMS-DOS77KZIP-
Microsoft Word 3.0MS-DOS884KRAR'd IMGs-
Microsoft Word 5.0MS-DOS2,090KRAR'd IMGs-
Might & Magic series editorsMS-DOS339KZIP-
Miscellaneous games editorsMS-DOS268KZIPcontents
Pango level editorWindows47KZIP-
Turbo Character EditorMS-DOS80KZIP-
Turbo Cheat SystemMS-DOS44KZIP-
Ultima series editorsMS-DOS149KZIP-
Wing Commander series editorsMS-DOS177KZIP-
WinGuide 4.0Windows165KZIP-
Wordworth 1.0 for Windows 95 (with serial)Windows4,062KRAR-
Wordworth 7 for WindowsWindows2,406KEXE(serial)

Other Platforms Software

Adventure X (aka Alien City)Spectrum11KZIPped Z80-
Capture the Quark & SmalltalkerBBC8KZIPped SSDs-
Crazy Taxi: Catch a Ride saved gameGBA2KZIPped SAV-
Doodlebug & Magic Dollar SeedsZX814KZIPped Z81s-
Game & Watch Gallery Advance saved gameGBA2KZIPped SAV-
Game & Watch Gallery 3 (with saved game)GBC407KRAR'd GBC+SAV-
GATO & Ultima 3Macintosh301KZIPped DSK-
Gold Dust IslandApple ][29KZIPped DSK-
Halley's Comet over AustraliaC645KZIPped D64+ASCII-
Hitler Dictator (English/German)C6439KRAR'd D64+ASCII-
HFV Explorer 1.31 (Windows)Macintosh405KZIP-
Jacaranda Software packC64130KZIPped D64s+T64scontents
Lynx Encryption Tools (Amiga)Lynx511KZIPreadme
Lynx Rotated GamesLynx706KRAR'd LNXescontents
MacOS 6.0.3Macintosh346KZIPped HFV-
MacOS 7.5.5Macintosh2,761KRAR'd HFV-
Penetrator (enhanced version)TRS-8080KZIPcontents
Pre-Installed GamesMacintosh15,147KRAR'd HFVcontents
RacterMacintosh187KRAR'd DSK-
The ValleyPET11KZIPped D64+ASCII-
Tony Hawk Pro Skater 4 saved gameGBA1KZIPped SAV-
Tron 2.0 saved gameGBA1KRAR'd SAV-
TRS-80 Software Pack (18/8/19)TRS-803,109KRARcontents
VIC-20 Games PackVIC-2058KZIPped PRGscontents
WildernessExidy Sorcerer22KRAR'd SNP-
Your Computer magazine (Australia) type-insC6421KZIPped D64+CRT+ASCIIscontents
Your Computer magazine (Australia) type-ins index-59KXLS-
A600 Insider Guide126KZIPped AmigaGuide-
AmigActive Masterclasses100KZIPped AmigaGuidecontents
Amiga Transactor (Australia): March 19891,444KPDF-
Amiga Transactor (Australia): May 19891,699KPDF-
Amiga Transactor (Australia): July 19891,605KPDF-
Amiga Transactor (Australia): September 19891,954KPDF-
Amiga Transactor (UK): December 19882,450KPDF-
Amiga Transactor (UK): September 19891,983KPDF-
Australian Amiga #1: June 19902,239KPDF-
Australian Amiga Gazette #1: December 19961,565KPDF-
Australian Amiga Gazette #2: January 1997783KPDF-
Australian Amiga Gazette #3: February 1997752KPDFnote
Australian Amiga Gazette #4: March 19971,137KPDF-
Australian Amiga Gazette #5: April 19971,936KPDF-
Australian Amiga Gazette #7: June 19971,157KPDF-
Australian Amiga Gazette #8: July 19971,007KPDF-
Australian Amiga Gazette #9: August 19971,043KPDF-
Australian Amiga Gazette #11: October 19971,611KPDFnote
Australian Amiga Gazette #12: November 19971,501KPDF-
Australian Amiga Gazette #13: December 19971,644KPDF-
Australian Amiga Gazette #14: January 19981,280KPDF-
Australian Amiga Gazette #15: February 19981,130KPDF-
Australian Amiga Gazette #17: April 1998944KPDF-
Australian Amiga Gazette #19: June 1998811KPDF-
Australian Amiga Gazette #20: July 1998768KPDF-
Australian Amiga Gazette #21: August 1998797KPDF-
Australian Amiga Gazette #22: September 1998823KPDF-
Australian Amiga Gazette #23: October 1998879KPDF-
Australian AMOS Newsletter #129KPDF-
Australian AMOS Newsletter #255KPDF-
Australian AMOS Newsletter #3244KPDF-
Australian AMOS Newsletter #4362KPDF-
Australian AMOS Newsletter #5524KPDF-
Australian AMOS Newsletter #7765KPDF-
Australian AMOS Newsletter #9565KPDF-
Australian AMOS Newsletter #13746KPDF-
Druid series quick reference (Amiga & C64)5KHTML-
Guru Meditation Tutorials: English32KZIPped AmigaGuide-
Guru Meditation Tutorials: French426KZIPped HTML/MHTML-
OS3.9 The Book: English2,461KRAR'd PDF2nd Edition
OS3.9 The Book (Das Buch): German2,601KRAR'd PDF2nd Edition
OS3.9 The Book (Das Buch): German204KZIPped ASCII2nd Edition
Programming in REXX583KAmigaGuide-
ROM Kernel Manual: The AmigaDOS Manual219KZIPped AmigaGuide3rd Edition
ROM Kernel Manual: User Interface Style Guide82KZIPped AmigaGuide-
Serialz List6KASCII-
StormC mailing list archive470KZIPped ASCII-
WBVirus disassembly63KASM-
ZZAP! Amiga reviews indices77KRAR'd XLSescontents

Other Platforms Documents

ACAR Adventurer's Realm hint sheetsC64/Amiga16KZIPped ASCIIscontents
ACAR tips index (10/12/17)C64/Amiga43KASCII-
ACE tips index-28KASCII-
Asteroid Zero-Four scansAtari 400/8001,603KPDF-
Australian Commodore Review: March 1984C64 et al.14,692KRAR'd PDF-
Bard's Tale Construction Set spells listAmiga/MS-DOS4KASCII-
Big K type-ins index-10KASCII-
C&VG type-ins index-52KASCII-
Canberra Times 1987 adventure tips-18,581KRAR'd PDF-
Canberra Times 1988 adventure tips(1)/(2)-31,733KRAR'd PDF-
Canberra Times 1989 adventure tips(1)/(2)-34,656KRAR'd PDF-
Canberra Times 1990 adventure tips(1)/(2)-35,342KRAR'd PDF-
Canberra Times 1991 adventure tips(1)/(2)-35,564KRAR'd PDF-
Canberra Times 1992 adventure tips(1)/(2)-35,632KRAR'd PDF-
Canberra Times 1993 adventure tips(1)/(2)-37,830KRAR'd PDF-
Canberra Times 1994 adventure tips(1)/(2)-36,231KRAR'd PDF-
Canberra Times 1995 adventure tips(1)/(2)-38,070KRAR'd PDF-
Canberra Times adventure tips index (1987-1995)-52KASCII10/12/13
Code Complete: 2nd Edition-6,643KRAR'd CHM-
Emulator Programming Techniques-772KRAR'd PDF-
Entex HD38820 MCU (handheld/tabletop) patent applicationEntex684KZIPped PDF-
Expanding Your Micro (Usborne)-7,874KRAR'd PDF-
General Instrument TV Games Circuits databookGI3,390KRAR'd PDF-
Kurt Olsen's Lynx Pages site archiveAtari Lynx2,623KRARcontents
Lynx Tips and CheatsAtari Lynx89KZIPped ASCIIs-
Macintosh Game CheatsMacintosh124KZIPped ASCII-
Miscellaneous Cheats-74KASCII16/6/17
Nintendo Ball G&W patent applicationG&W2,178KRAR'd PDF-
Not Only 30 Programs for the Sinclair ZX81 1K (book)ZX81105KASCII-
Not Only 30 Programs for the Sinclair ZX81 1K (programs)ZX8121KRAR'd Z81s-
Opinion Pieces-113KASCII28/6/20
Sharp MC-510 game/watch patent applicationSharp MC-5101,237KRAR'd JPEGs+ASCII-
SoftSide Sampler, TheTRS-806,172KRAR'd PDF-
Undocumented DOS: 2nd Edition(1)/(2)MS-DOS45,925KRAR'd PDF-
Writing Solid Code-3,321KPDF-
UNIX Hater's Handbook, TheUNIX2,676KRAR'd PDF-
VTech Type-right cassette tape(1)/(2)Type-right35,988KRAR'd 128Kbps MP3-
VTech Type-right course book (user manual)Type-right44KASCII-
VTech Type-right course book (user manual)Type-right650KPDF-
Writing Solid Code-10,755KRAR'd PDF-
ZZAP! megatapes indexC648KASCII-
ZZAP! tips index (25/1/18)C64/Amiga71KASCII-

Game Maps

Amiga Adf To Disk

Bard's Tale Construction SetAmiga/MS-DOS70KZIPped GIFs
Castle AdventureMS-DOS86KZIPped GIFs
Castle of Doom (a.k.a. Castle)Amiga169KGIF
Citadel of Vras (30/1/18)Amiga37KLHA'd IFF ILBMs
Dante's InfernoC64167KZIPped PNGs
Druid 2 main levelsAmiga et al.1,816KGIF
Faery Tale Adventure 1-25KZIPped IFF ILBM 640x256x16
Faery Tale Adventure 1-18KGIF 640x256x16
Hillsfar-24KIFF ILBM 320x256x16
Hillsfar-6KGIF 320x256x16
Proton-Run (a.k.a. Oops!)C64225KZIPped GIFs
Rorke's DriftAmiga/MS-DOS/ST50KGIF 2020x1100x32
Sinbad and the Throne of the FalconAmiga19KGIF 640x400x16
War in Middle EarthAmiga et al.521KGIF 2560x1600x16

Wanted Software


The following rare software is sought, and is currently unavailable. Wedesire to preserve and make available this software.If you have any of this software, in any format, please emailus. We are also seeking any missing disks of the abovedownloads.

Amiga-Live! series by Prime Artifax (late 1980s-early 1990s)
AMIX SDK by Commodore (1990?)
CRobots source code (late 1980s)
Dawks' Hackpack (early 1990s)
Empire 1.33w/2.1w/2.2w/2.25w source code (late 1980s-early 1990s)
FlexeLint (Gimpel Software, early 1990s)
Fred Fish Disks #57 and #88 (late 1980s)
MCC Copiers (Melbourne Cracking Crew, late 1980s)
Motorola Invaders 1 by Martinsoft (1991?)
Poswiz (mid-1990s)
Wilbert's Winter Wonderland (aka Magic Forest 3)(Deja Vu AMOS Licenceware #63) by Aaron Fothergill of Shadow Software (1991?)
Any: Hunt the Wumpus 3 (mid-1970s)
Apple ][/BBC/C64: 'Convicts of the First Fleet' database (WA Dept. of Education, 1982)
Porno-Land series (100% OK) (mid-1980s)
Suite 64 (ACAR disk magazine) (1980s)
Elektor TV Games Computer: most Hocosoft software (see Gaming Guide)
IBM-PC: Lores Toolbox by Elven Software (mid-late 1980s)
Interton VC 4000: Galaxis (Interton, 1982)
NEC PC-9801: Bard's Tale 1, 3 (early 1990s)

Amiga adf torrent

Wanted Manuals/Newsletters

Amiga Adf Pack

Amiga:Australian AMOS Club newsletters #6, #8, #10-12, #14+? (early 1990s)
Emerson Arcadia 2001:various
IBM-PC: Bushido: The Way of the Warrior
Macintosh: Mac Manager
Sinclair: AZUA (Australian ZX Users' Association) magazine and Australian Sinclair Gazette (1981-1986)
Multiplatform: Your Computer magazine (Australia) (1981-1997)

Amiga Adf

Amiga Adf Demos

Most large files are broken into 20Mb or 25Mb chunks for easier downloading.If you have anything to upload, please emailus.This page was created on 13/6/05, and last updated onFriday 26/2/21.